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The last Tuesday of every month Stageworks puts on a fun and family-friendly black box variety show! The theme changes every month and we are always accepting submissions for new talent. The show format may also change each month, it's always something fun and fresh! These shows are a great way to showcase talent from local artists. We want to put you in the spotlight!

Childhood Animated Scores

January 28th at 7pm

January's show theme is Childhood Animated Scores. We're looking for magical material from nostalgic Film, TV, and Theater!

What we're looking for in submissions:

  • Your talent! Singing, dancing, playing an instrument, stand-up comedy, baton twirling, anything that you want to show off. 

  • It is a family-friendly show so please keep your content family-friendly. 

  • Please keep you material on-theme for the month.

  • Everyone is encouraged to audition, ages 7 years old and up. 

  • Video submissions are due by 5pm on January 17th.

There will be one performance on January 28th at 7pm at Stageworks Theater

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