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Meet the Women of Lady Susan

Mariah Moon

The Stageworks' production of Jane Austen's "Lady Susan" opens on April 19th. Meet two of the women who will be gracing the stage next week!

"Lady Susan" runs from April 19th to May 5th. Click here to get your tickets today!

Joyce Hall as Catherine Vernon

Tell us about your character in the show.

Catherine is a simple woman who likes her quiet life in the country. She has little patience for the scene in London, but delights in the scandals that reach her.

What is your process for bringing your character to life?

My process for bringing her to life is simple. I relate entirely to attempting to maintain a level head when suddenly forced to host against my will, especially when it is without notice. I would fail even more spectacularly at maintaining my composure.

Tell us about one of your pre-show superstitions or rituals.

I'm not a terribly superstitious person when it comes to acting. I choose to keep it simple and just nearly die of nerves until curtain.

How did you get started in theater?

I was too young to remember the first time I performed, but I do have the home video. I played an angel in a Christmas special, where I led Mary and Joseph from inn to inn.

What is your favorite play or musical?

You cannot possibly expect any actor to narrow it down to a single favorite. I'm definitely a musical person over a play person. "Falsettos" is one of the most recent musicals I was exposed to recently, and a favorite play of mine has always been The Importance of Being Ernest.

What is your favorite role you've played?

My favorite role was Minnie Fay from "Hello, Dolly". She was such a good natured gossip, very fun.

What's your dream role?

I really wanted to be Heather Chandler from the Heathers musical, but I think I'm getting too old to pass for 18.


  • Salty or sweet? Salty.

  • Beach or mountains? Beach.

  • Playlists or podcasts? Albums! I like listening to the whole thing at once.

  • Text or call? Call.

  • Comedy or horror? Comedy.

  • Waffles or pancakes? Pancakes.

  • Movies or TV shows? Movies.

  • Early bird or night owl? Early bird.

  • Physical books or eBooks? Physical books.

  • Board games or video games? Board games.

Megan Nix as Alicia Johnson

Tell us about your character in the show.

I play Alicia Johnson, Lady Susan's "closest confidante". She has an opinion about anyone and everyone, and isn't afraid to share it with whomever will listen.

What is your process for bringing your character to life?

I like to start with posture, and how the character would carry themselves. Then I work on the character's voice. I usually use a combination of real people I know, as well as characters in TV's and movies as a "character study" to provide some inspiration into my character's speaking pattern. Additionally, I take note of what other characters say about mine in the play, as it gives knowledge as to what other's think and feel about them.

What is your favorite Jane Austen story?

Probably Sense and Sensibility, but that may just be because I adored Emma Thompson in the 1995 movie.

Tell us about one of your pre-show superstitions or rituals.

I do some vocal warm ups that date back to when I was in high school (~20 years ago). I say a little motivational message to myself right before my first entrance. Something to the effect of, "don't mess this up", but maybe a little more PG-13 with the language.

How did you get started in theater?

I took theatre as an elective in middle school because I saw the movie Titanic, and thought that would be fun to do in real life. I continued my involvement with theatre in high school. I took a break in college, but moved back to Houston in 2010 and have been acting non-stop ever since.

What is your favorite play or musical?

"The Pillowman" by Martin McDonagh is one that I saw years ago, and shook me to my very core. It still lives rent-free in my head.

What is your favorite role you've played?

I've had the privilege of getting to play some amazing roles in my lifetime, but I'd have to say playing Bottom in an all female production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" tops the list. I got to be silly and over the top, and would play it again in a heartbeat.

What's your dream role?

I would love to be in "Noises Off" or "The Play that Goes Wrong". I love exploring the "meta" side of theatre.


  • Salty or sweet? Both, I love food.

  • Beach or mountains? Like Barbie and Ken, I prefer "The Beach"

  • Playlists or podcasts? Playlists. I have one for every show.

  • Text or call? Text. I actively avoid phone conversations, like any millennial.

  • Comedy or horror? Comedy.

  • Waffles or pancakes? Waffles.

  • Movies or TV shows? TV Shows.

  • Early bird or night owl? Night Owl.

  • Physical books or eBooks? eBooks.

  • Board games or video games? Video games, particularly Mario and Animal Crossing. You know, games for children.

Sarah Finch as Lady Susan

Tell us about your character in the show.

Lady Susan is a complicated person. She's charming and funny, but also selfish and manipulative. She genuinely loves those closest to her, but loses sight of their happiness in order to do "what is best." It makes for fun and challenging work!

What is your process for bringing your character to life?

I try to keep her goals in mind - she wants to keep herself and her daughter comfortable and happy, and is doing so the best way she knows how. That helps me to understand her thinking behind some of her more... interesting choices throughout the play.

What is your favorite Jane Austen story?

Persuasion. I love a tale of star-crossed lovers.

Tell us about one of your pre-show superstitions or rituals.

I try to get backstage at least a few minutes before the show begins. I feel like that time in the dark backstage before you step into the light is sacred. It helps you to transition into that new person before the audience's eyes.

How did you get started in theater?

My mom says I would jump onto stacks of books and sing and dance before I was two. I blame the movie musical "Grease" for being so catchy.

What is your favorite play or musical?

It changes all the time, but right now it's "SIX the Musical".

What is your favorite role you've played?

I love them all, but I'll always have a special place in my heart for Janet Van De Graaf in "The Drowsy Chaperone".

What's your dream role?

Kate Monster in "Avenue Q".


  • Salty or sweet? Salty.

  • Beach or mountains? Beach.

  • Playlists or podcasts? Podcasts.

  • Text or call? Text.

  • Comedy or horror? Horror.

  • Waffles or pancakes? Waffles.

  • Movies or TV shows? TV Shows.

  • Early bird or night owl? Night Owl.

  • Physical books or eBooks? Physical Books.

  • Board games or video games? Board Games.

"Lady Susan" opens April 19th and runs through May 5th. Click here to buy your tickets.

Stageworks Theatre

10760 Grant Road

Houston, Texas 77070


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