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Why Urinetown is a Must-See Musical

Julie Montgomery

Exploring the Themes, Characters, and Music of this Critically Acclaimed Show

Are you a fan of musical theatre? If so, then you won't want to miss Urinetown, the critically acclaimed show that has been taking the world by storm, opening March 31, 2023, on the Garza Mainstage at Stageworks Theatre. With unforgettable characters, catchy music, and a satirical edge that will have you laughing and thinking in equal measure, Urinetown is a must-see for anyone who loves smart theatre. Let's take a closer look at the themes, characters, and music of Urinetown, and explore why it has quickly become one of the most talked-about shows in recent years.

Themes in Urinetown

Urinetown is a show that is not afraid to tackle big and complex themes. With clever word play, the show almost called "You're in town," pokes fun at capitalism; how it can lead to corruption and exploitation. The show depicts a world where the use of toilets is strictly regulated, due to a water shortage, and those who violate the rules are punished severely. The water shortage has led to the establishment of a monopoly over the use of toilets, which is controlled by a powerful corporation.

This corporation, known as Urine Good Company (UGC) (Get it? You're in good company?), highlights potential shortfalls of our beloved capitalism. It is driven solely by profit and will stop at nothing to maintain its stranglehold over the people. The show uses UGC as a metaphor for how large corporations can dominate and exploit society and how they can manipulate the law to their advantage.

Another major theme of the show is revolution. As the people of the city become increasingly oppressed by UGC, they begin to rise up against their oppressors. The show explores the idea that revolution is not always a simple process, and can have unintended consequences. The characters in the show are forced to grapple with the question of whether the ends justify the means, and whether violence is ever justified in the pursuit of justice.

Finally, Urinetown also explores the idea of the environment and our relationship to it. The water shortage that drives the plot of the show is a reminder of the importance of water as a resource, and how our actions can have a profound impact on the planet. The show encourages us to think about how we use resources.

Characters in Urinetown

Urinetown features a wide range of memorable and complex characters, each with unique motivations and desires. the show's characters are often exaggerated caricatures, such as the evil corporate executive, the naive love interest, and the heroic rebel leader. These over-the-top characters and situations add to the show's comedic tone and make it a fun and entertaining experience for audiences.

One of the central characters in the show is Bobby Strong, played by Stageworks Theatre veteran, JT Fischer. Bobby is a young man who works as a janitor at the poorest of the city's public amenities. Initially portrayed as an idealistic and naive young man who believes in the power of love and the inherent goodness of people, his attitudes change as he sees the exaggerated injustices around him.

Hope Cladwell, the daughter of the CEO of UGC, is portrayed by Fernanda Schoening. Hope is initially a naive and sheltered young woman who is unaware of the true nature of her father's business. Naturally, once she meets Bobby, she begins to question her own beliefs and the actions of her father.

Other memorable characters in the show include Officer Lockstock (Matt Harper), a cynical and world-weary cop who serves as the narrator of the show, and Little Sally (Megan Cabaniss), a streetwise young girl who serves as Bobby's sidekick and provides much of the show's comic relief. Here's a sample of the clever banter between the two:

Little Sally (LS): "You know, the water shortage. The hard times. The drought. A shortage so awful that private toilets eventually became unthinkable. A premise so absurd that. . ."

Office Lockstock (OL): "Whoa, there Little Sally. Not all at once. They'll hear more about the water shortage in the next scene."

LS: "Oh, I guess you don't want to overload them with too much exposition, huh."

OL: "Everything in its time, Little Sally. You're too young to understand it now, but nothing can kill a show like too much exposition."

LS: "How about bad subject matter?"

OL: "Well-"

LS: "Or a bad title, even? That could kill a show pretty good."

Yes, what a title, Little Sally.

Music in Urinetown

A seriously catchy score!

The music of Urinetown is a blend of different styles, including musical theatre, pop, and rock. The show features a number of memorable songs, including "It's a Privilege to Pee", "Run Freedom Run", and "Don't Be the Bunny".

The music of Urinetown is not just catchy, however. It also serves an important storytelling function, helping to convey the emotions and motivations of the characters. For example, the song "Follow Your Heart" is a duet between Bobby and Hope, and serves to highlight their growing connection and shared beliefs. Similarly, the song "What is Urinetown?" is a powerful anthem that captures the rebellious spirit of the revolution.

Why Urinetown is a Must-See

So, why is Urinetown such a beloved and influential musical?

  • Mostly, the show is simply a lot of fun. It's a dark comedic romp through a dystopian world, filled with memorable characters and catchy songs.

  • The show's edgy, tongue-in-cheek humor and its willingness to take risks and break the fourth wall also appeal to audiences looking for something outside the mainstream.

  • However, the show also has a deeper layer of meaning, exploring complex themes and ideas in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

  • Urinetown's unique style manages to blend different genres and styles in a way that feels fresh and original. It's a musical that doesn't take itself too seriously, but still manages to have something important to say.

The themes of the show, including capitalism, corruption, and revolution, are just as relevant today as they were when the show was first written. Urinetown encourages us to think about the way in which we live our lives, and the way in which we can work together to build a better world.


Urinetown is a must-see musical that combines catchy music, memorable characters, and complex themes in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. Whether you're a fan of musical theatre or just looking for something fun and different to see, Urinetown is a show that should not be missed. So, grab your tickets, sit back, and enjoy the wild ride through the world of Urinetown!

You can catch this must-see show at Stageworks Theatre March 31 - April 23, 2023 located at 10760 Grant Road, Houston, TX 77070.

Stageworks Theatre

10760 Grant Road

Houston, Texas 77070


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